A Blog for Moms, Athletes, or Anyone that needs a little Inspiration

  • Coaching into Management

    Over the past few weeks I’ve really reflected on my career. I am truly proud of the things I accomplished but the thing I am most proud of is how I managed my team. I really tried hard to treat each and every person as an individual with one common goal, to succeed. We didn’t…

  • “Remember your why, to endure your how”- Teri Griege

    A little over a week ago I got the news I certainly didn’t expect. My job had been eliminated at KMOV. After facing a lay off in 2016 and being brought back, I was certainly shocked. I received the call, told my husband, then did what any sane person would do, I went for a…

  • Local races rock

    If you don’t care about the fancy shirts and buffets at aid stations, then local races are for you. Recently, I had the opportunity to race the Litchfield half distance. Normally I’m not a fan of two-loops but fir some reason, this didn’t bother me. Even the swim was a “two-looper”. The swim is a…

No time to read? Here are some of my favorite pictures…

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