Do I “REALLY” need this?

forest parkRecently these lovely women joined me for a nearly 3 hour ride through the streets of St. Louis.  It was cold that morning.  We started out at 31 degrees.  But with a race less than 2 months away, we were determined to ride outside.  Along the ride, we discussed gear.  It became very clear to me that my friends not only enjoy my company, they enjoy the fact that I’m the biggest pack-rat on wheels.

Case in point.  We’re 10 minutes into the ride and Tonya complains her hands are cold.  I offer her both an extra pair of gloves I’m carrying or the use of Hot hands.  She opted for the Hot hands and I’m pretty sure it’s what kept her going for the next 2 plus hours.  We hit the 45 minute mark and I reach for my Gu.  (I promise I will go through my nutrition plan in an upcoming blog so this makes sense to new triathletes.) Sure enough, someone forgot their nutrition.  Fortunately I brought an extra.  It was at that point that we started discussing what we carry in our seat packs.  Most folks carry a spare tire and maybe a lever.  I carry that along with 2 co2 cartridges (first one could fail), a tool kit, money, a tire  patch kit, an extra inhaler for my asthma, and a pair of rubber gloves.  I think it was the rubber gloves that put my friends into hysterics laughing.  But I really have a good reason for them.  When you change your tire or drop your chain, do you really want to get your hands and good cycling gloves dirty?  I don’t.

So, after being called “Captain Caveman” for a good portion of the ride I decided to accept the fact that I’m a cycling pack-rat.  And do you know what?  I’m ok with that.  If it slows me down on training rides by 1 or 2 mph yet I’ve spared a friend from having to quit their ride thanks to my “pack of goods”, then it’s worth it.  Plus, on race day just think how fast I’ll be since I’ve been training with 10 extra pounds of gear!

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